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Aantal resultaten: 38( DE:"2020 2030" )


Voting for Diversity? Political Attitudes and Formal Political Participation of Gay Men and Lesbian Women in Germany  / Michael Hunklinger.

Momentum Quarterly : Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt, 10 (2021) 1, p. 20-34
bron: Momentum Quarterly : Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt jaargang: 10 (2021) 1 , p. 20-34
samenvatting: This paper uses original data from the LGBTIQ* Election Survey 2017 to examine political attitudes (Gabriel 2009), as well as formal political participation (Ekman/ Amna 2012), on the individual level (voting) and on the collective level (membership of parties, trade unions, and NGOs) of gay and lesbian citizens in Germany. The paper bridges the gap between conventional political participation research and queer studies and adds to both strands of research. It shows that the majority of gay and lesbian voters who participated in the survey support a progressive agenda and therefore vote for and engage with progressive and left-wing parties, since they tend to be more inclusive of the LGBTIQ* community. The most important issues for their voting decision were discrimination and homophobia, as well as issues like migration and the environment. Regarding formal political participation on a collective level, gay men are more involved in political parties than lesbian women who are instead active in NGOs

signatuur: dgb artikelen (hunkl/vot)

Voting for Diversity? Political Attitudes and Formal Political Participation of Gay Men and Lesbian Women in Germany
dgb artikelen (hunkl/vot)
Michael Hunklinger.
Momentum Quarterly : Zeitschrift für Sozialen Fortschritt

Speaking Up For Our Future : LGBT Youth Scotland Manifesto 2021-2026

[Edinburgh]: LGBT Youth Scotland, 2021 - 28 p.: ill.
uitgave: [Edinburgh] : LGBT Youth Scotland, 2021 - 28 p.: ill.
  1. jongeren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Through extensive consultation, LGBT Youth Scotland's Manifesto reflects the views and experiences of LGBTI young people and enables their voices to be heard. This document covers the expected parliamentary term of 2021-2026 and sets ambitious but achievable asks. Consultation and writing of the manifesto took place throughout lockdown in 2020-2021, and whilst the impacts of Covid-19 are included, it goes beyond this period and sets aspirations for the future. The manifesto aligns with the LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 Scottish Parliament Elections, adding the seldom heard views and experiences of LGBTyoung people.

signatuur: cat. (speak/up)

dgb grijs

Speaking Up For Our Future : LGBT Youth Scotland Manifesto 2021-2026
cat. (speak/up)dgb grijs

LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 Scotish Parliament

[London]: Stonewall, 2021 - 9 p.
uitgave: [London] : Stonewall, 2021 - 9 p.
  1. activisme
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This manifesto sets out joint priorities for delivering equality for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, and people with a variation in sex characteristics or who are intersex (I/VSC) in the 2021-2026 parliamentary term. In this LGBTI equality manifesto, we set out the concrete steps that the next Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament can take, over the next five years, to improve the lives of LGBTI people living in Scotland. This includes improving public services, delivering legal equality, tackling discrimination, promoting wellbeing, and building a more equal Scotland. It is further endorsed by partners at LGBT Health and Wellbeing, LEAP Sports Scotland, Time for Inclusive Education, and iCON UK.

signatuur: cat. (lgbti/equ)

dgb grijs

LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 Scotish Parliament
cat. (lgbti/equ)dgb grijs

Smashing Pink - Smashing People : 25 jaar, 1996-2021  / [redactie: Emma van Zalinge, Niels Wolf, Ellekari Jongenelen en Eric van der Palen].

Amsterdam: Smashing Pink, 2021 - 144 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Smashing Pink, 2021 - 144 p.: ill.
  1. sport
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: "Smashing Pink bestaat 25 jaar! Begonnen als een Roze Tennistoernooitje voor gelijkgestemden, werden we in 1996 een heuse vereniging. Oók met het oog op de naderende Gay Games die 1998 in Amsterdam gespeeld zouden worden. De eerste Europese LHBT+ tennisclub. En we zijn er nog steeds: een gastvrije, sportieve en betrokken tennisclub met bijna 300 leden, vele activiteiten en nationale en internationale erkenning en herkenning."

signatuur: cat. (smash/pin) b

Smashing Pink - Smashing People : 25 jaar, 1996-2021
cat. (smash/pin) b

Mercury rising - inter* hermstory[ies] now and then  / [Kuration/curators: Luan Pertl, Sylvia Sadzinski].

[Berlin]: Schwules Museum, [2021] - 35 p.
uitgave: [Berlin] : Schwules Museum, [2021] - 35 p.
  1. intersekse
  2. beeldende kunsten
samenvatting: Contains statements of artists participating in the exhibition regarding its subject.

signatuur: cat. (mercu/rid) k

Mercury rising - inter* hermstory[ies] now and then
cat. (mercu/rid) k

One Transgender Community's Experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report from Indonesia  / Rully Mallay ... [eds.].

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 8 (2021) 3 (aug), p. 386-393
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 8 (2021) 3 (aug), p. 386-393
samenvatting: This essay contains an introduction and a translation of an account provided in Indonesian by Rully Mallay, a transgender community leader and activist at the Kebaya Foundation, a shelter for people living with HIV in the province of Yogyakarta. It describes the impact of restrictions imposed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and mobilization in response to it by those who identify as "waria" between February and September 2020. Waria played a pivotal role in mobilizing a community response in that city, providing support not only to their own community but also to other marginal groups impacted in similar ways. Harsh lockdown measures imposed to respond to COVID-19 disproportionately affected waria, cutting off access to economic and community support. This was particularly acute for the many waria without state-issued identity cards. Nevertheless, Rully expresses her hope that through the skills and adaptability they have demonstrated in their response to the public health emergency, they might achieve recognition and acceptance from Indonesian society.

signatuur: ts.

One Transgender Community's Experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Report from Indonesia
Rully Mallay ... [eds.].
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

The likelihood of severe COVID-19 outcomes among PLHIV with various comorbidities: a comparative frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis approach  / Haoyi Wang and Kai J. Jonas.

Journal of the International AIDS Society, 21 (2021) e25841, p. 1-29
bron: Journal of the International AIDS Society jaargang: 21 (2021)e25841, p. 1-29
samenvatting: The SARS-CoV-2 virus can currently pose a serious health threat and can lead to severe COVID-19 outcomes, especially for populations suffering from comorbidities. Currently, the data available on the risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes due to an HIV infection with or without comorbidities paint a heterogenous picture. In this meta-analysis, we summarized the likelihood for severe COVID-19 outcomes among people living with HIV (PLHIV) with or without comorbidities. Following PRISMA guidelines, we utilized PubMed, Web of Science and medRxiv to search for studies describing COVID-19 outcomes in PLHIV with or without comorbidities up to 25 June 2021. Consequently, we conducted two metaanalyses, based on a classic frequentist and Bayesian perspective of higher quality studies. We identified 2580 studies (search period: January 2020-25 June 2021, data extraction period: 1 January 2021-25 June 2021) and included nine in the meta-analysis. Based on the frequentist meta-analytical model, PLHIV with diabetes had a seven times higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes (odd ratio, OR = 6.69, 95% CI: 3.03?19.30), PLHIV with hypertension a four times higher risk (OR = 4.14, 95% CI: 2.12?8.17), PLHIV with cardiovascular disease an odds ratio of 4.75 (95% CI: 1.89-11.94), PLHIV with respiratory disease an odds ratio of 3.67 (95% CI: 1.79-7.54) and PLHIV with chronic kidney disease an OR of 9.02 (95% CI: 2.53-32.14) compared to PLHIV without comorbidities. Both meta-analytic models converged, thereby providing robust summative evidence. The Bayesian meta-analysis produced similar effects overall, with the exclusion of PLHIV with respiratory diseases who showed a non-significant higher risk to develop severe COVID-19 outcomes compared to PLHIV without comorbidities. Conclusions: Our meta-analyses show that people with HIV, PLHIV with coexisting diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and chronic kidney disease are at a higher likelihood of developing severe COVID-19 outcomes. Bayesian analysis helped to estimate small sample biases and provided predictive likelihoods. Clinical practice should take these risks due to comorbidities into account and not only focus on the HIV status alone, vaccination priorities should be adjusted accordingly.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (wang/jon)

The likelihood of severe COVID-19 outcomes among PLHIV with various comorbidities: a comparative frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis approach
dgb artikelen (wang/jon)
Haoyi Wang and Kai J. Jonas.
Journal of the International AIDS Society

Mein schwules Auge / My gay eye : Das Jahrbuch der schwulen Erotik 17 : body issues  / 

[ed. by] Rinaldo Hopf & Fedya Ili.Tübingen: konkursbuch, 2020 - 400 p.: ill.
uitgave: Tübingen: konkursbuch, 2020 - 400 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bilingual German and English.
samenvatting: 2020 will probably go down in history as a turning point... It is a fact that physical and social encounters constitute a problem this year, in a way that we have never seen before. This prompted us, the editors of an erotic gay yearbook, to put the body itseld at the center of this issue. Body issues, affairs, joys, and problems of the body and with the body. Of course our book doesn't primarily deal with endangerment and illness, but rather attempts to deal with this difficult situation creatively and with pleasure."

signatuur: cat. (mein/sch) 17 b

Mein schwules Auge / My gay eye : Das Jahrbuch der schwulen Erotik 17 : body issues
cat. (mein/sch) 17 b
[ed. by] Rinaldo Hopf & Fedya Ili.

Dé jà vu  / Foto en research: Erik Klein Wolterink.

Parool 03-08-2022
bron: Parool 03-08-2022
samenvatting: Het hoofdkantoor van belangenorganisatie COC Nederland was vanaf 1978 gevestigd aan de Rozenstraat 8-14. Door financiële problemen moest het pand in 2009 worden verkocht. In 2018 opende hier Hotel Mercier, dat een deel van het pand verhuurt aan COC Amsterdam. Erik Klein Wolterink deed onderzoek, vond een oude foto in het stadsarchief, maakte een foto van het huidige gebouw en vergeleek de foto's van toen en nu.

signatuur: knipsel (beeldende_kunst)

Dé jà vu
knipsel (beeldende_kunst)
Foto en research: Erik Klein Wolterink.

Kobiety i LGBT-y razem za równoscia : 21 wywiadów  / 

Malgorzata Büthner-Zawadzka.Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Ksiazka i Prasa, 2022 - 341 p.: ill.
uitgave: Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Ksiazka i Prasa, 2022 - 341 p.: ill.
samenvatting: 21 wyjatkowych rozmówców i rozmówczyn wspomina spoleczny bunt, który wybuchl 22 pazdziernika 2020 roku w zwiazku z ograniczaniem dostepu do aborcji, mówi o demonstracjach brutalnie tlumionych przez policje, a takze o swoim zaangazowaniu na rzecz równosci w najrózniejszych dziedzinach zycia. Pomysl na ksiazke z wywiadami narodzil sie na goraco, podczas protestów, w których autorka uczestniczyla. Za tytul Kobiety i LGBT-y razem za równoscia posluzylo haslo z baneru, który z duma nosili na manifestacjach aktywisci i aktywistki Homokomanda ? jako wezwanie do solidarnosci dyskryminowanych w obliczu antyfeminizmu i homofobii. Kazda z 21 osób ma fascynujace doswiadczenia i przemyslenia. Opowiadaja o ulicznym aktywizmie, ale tez o dzialaniach na wielu innych polach, takich jak nauka, sztuka, jezyk, moda, medycyna i prawo. Przestrzegaja przed zagrozeniami, które niosa transfobia, nacjonalizm i hegemonia Kosciola katolickiego. Ksiazka Kobiety i LGBT-y razem za równoscia to mocny glos w debacie publicznej. Wyrazny przekaz, ze dzis nie mozna juz myslec o demokracji, pomijajac prawo do aborcji i malzenska równosc.

signatuur: cat. (büthn/kob) b


Kobiety i LGBT-y razem za równoscia : 21 wywiadów
cat. (büthn/kob) b ODE3
Malgorzata Büthner-Zawadzka.


( DE:"2020 2030" )

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